WATER  |  from the infinite well

WATER: From the Infinite Well

WATER is the first in NEILL’s Element Series. It features traditional, contemplative mantras of India and Tibet in layers of female vocals, ambient drones, gentle electronics, and world percussion.

Track List:

1. Water Goddess ~ Devi Sureshvari
2. The Heart Sutra
3. Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
4. Vajra Guru Mantra
5. Infinite Being ~ Sutra 2.47
6. Medicine Buddha
7. Driftless
8. Om Mani Padme Hum
9. 21 Taras
10. Locks & Keys ~ Sutra 1.33
11. Aad Guray Nameh
12. Glass Lake ~ Lokah Samastah

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